Une gynéco anglophone à Lausanne?


Mon épouse et moi-même venons de débarquer dans la région lausannoise. Nous sommes à la recherche d'une gynécologue parlant bien l'anglais (mais si ce n'est pas forcément sa langue maternelle). En connaissez-vous une à Lausanne (et environs)?


I do not know wether or not Pr. Hohlfeld speaks English. However I would recommend him as he did the follow up of my (very difficult) pregnancy and performed my C-section very well at 38 weeks of pregnancy. I am now the mother of a wonderful 1 y.o. boy.

If you choose Pr. Hohlfed you will deliver a baby at the CHUV. The only advantage I see in this hospital is that it is a place where they have all the necessary tools in case of a problem. However, I was shocked by the impoliteness and coarse manners of some members of the personal. But we are in Switzerland...

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Sorry, you also have Dr. Nehad Akram, phone number 021/ 622 89 01, rte de Chavannes 11A (VIDY MED)

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