Zanzibar - Tanzanie

Qui saurait me dire si, en ayant un passeport Italien, j'ai besoin d'un visa pour la Tanzanie ? L'agence de voyages me dit que non, l'ambassade me dit que oui mais que je peux le prendre sur place et enfin le consultat me dit que je dois le prendre chez eux....
Un grand merci !

selon le site de KLM, visa à l arrivée. rappelle le consulat quand même, c est étrange tous ces avis différents

Passport required.
- Passports and other documents accepted for entry must be
valid for a minimum of 6 months from the arrival date.

Visa Issuance:
Visa required, except for Nationals of Italy can obtain a visa

on arrival, if holding travel documents valid for at least 1
month beyond the period of intended stay. Fee: between USD
50.- and USD 100.- (cash only). The fee can only be paid with
notes of USD 50.- or USD 100.-.
- WARNING! In accordance with European Union (EU) Legislation,

all minors who are nationals of Italy will be expected to

hold their own passport or National ID Card (where

applicable) when departing from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,

Romania or a Schengen Member State For details, click here.
Additional Information:

- Visitors are required to hold documents required for their
next destination.

- Passports and passport replacing documents of all visitors
must contain at least 1 unused visa page
For details, click here
- Visitors not holding return/onward tickets could be refused

Je vais effectivement les rappeler. Merci beaucoup pour cette information !!

J'ai finalement eu la confirmation que le visa pouvait être pris à l'arrivée - par la Mission de Tanzanie...